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Submission Requirements

Document types: doc, docx, pdf, or rtf documents only.

Use correct manuscript format. This generally means a standard, twelve-point font. The first page has name, address and email address in the upper left corner and word count in the upper right corner. Reference the Shunn format at NOT USING THE CORRECT FORMAT WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE REJECTION.

Unless the call specifies otherwise, stories may not exceed 2500 words and must be at least 1000 words. Shorter or longer pieces will result in immediate rejection.

Include an author bio in your cover letter, including any social media links.

Include the title and a teaser.

Use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation.

English language stories only. Stories translated into English by a professional translator are also allowed.

Electronic submissions only, via the form on this website.

No multiple submissions and no simultaneous submissions. No generative AI. No reprints.

WE WILL NOT ACCEPT extreme horror, fan fiction, erotica, graphic sex, manga-type stories, overtly political pieces, or stories that are degrading to any person or persons of any type.

Submissions will be read within three months from the date submitted. You will receive an acceptance or rejection email within that time. QUERIES ABOUT YOUR STORY WILL NOT BE ANSWERED.

Due to the volume of submissions, we won’t be able to explain to you why a story won’t work for our anthology other than basic issues such as wrong manuscript format or grammar problems.

Payment will be the larger of $10 per story or 1 cent/word rounded to the nearest 100 words, up to a maximum of $25. Authors may elect instead to recieve a copy of the printed issue. Payment will be rendered via Paypal prior to publication. We cannot issue checks or pay in cash–you must be able to accept Paypal to be paid. If you cannot accept Paypal, payment will be in the form of a copy of the printed issue.

Use the form on this website to submit your stories.

Submissions are currently closed. We expect to open again on December 1, 2024.

Start over: Author Guidelines

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Next: Submit your story.

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