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What Kinds of Non-fiction Do We Seek?

We plan that each issue will include at least one nonfiction article that will be of interest to our readers. Since we expect our readers to be interested in speculative fiction, articles that pertain in some way to such fiction are appropriate. These might include, for example,

  • Advances in science.
  • Reviews of movies or books.
  • Articles about writing speculative fiction.
  • Articles about the supernatural, such as ghost stories or urban legends.

We’d be interested in any nonfiction article that starts with one of Gaiman’s questions:

  • What if…
  • If only…
  • If this goes on…

We’re open to humorous articles, as well. Niven’s speculation about the sex life of Superman might be an example. If you’re not sure, ask us.

Please use our submission form to submit your nonfiction article and specify in the cover letter that your submission is nonfiction.

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